
Popular Celtic Origin Baby Names

Popular Celtic names for girls and boys

Showing 201 - 220 of 467 results. Page: 11 of 24
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
201 Doran Celtic Stranger. M
202 Dorran Celtic Stranger. M

203 Dosne Celtic From the sand hill. M
204 Dougal Celtic Dark stranger. M
205 Doughal Celtic Dark stranger. M
206 Doughlas Celtic Dwells by the dark stream. M
207 Douglas Celtic Dwells by the dark stream. M
208 Doy Celtic Dark stranger. M
209 Doyle Celtic Dark stranger. M
210 Drem Celtic Mythical son of Dremidydd. M
211 Driscol Celtic Interpreter. M
212 Driscoll Celtic Interpreter. M
213 Driskell Celtic Interpreter. M

214 Druce Celtic Wise. M
215 Drudwyn Celtic Mythical Mabon's dog. M
216 Drummond Celtic Lives on the hill top. M
217 Duane Celtic Song. M
218 Dubv Celtic Dark faced. M
219 Duer Celtic Hero. M
220 Duff Celtic Dark-skinned. M

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