Vedic Horoscope of

Detailed Janmakundali with predictions (Phaladesh)

Vedic Astrology helps us to have better life and success in all undertakings. Astrology helps to find proper reasons for our problems and solutions to them. Vedic remedies helps us to solve most of our problems. Here you can find your free Vedic horoscope along with birth chart Analysis based on Vedic Astrological classics. We use Lahiri (Chitra ppaksha) Ayanamsha and equal house system for Calculations and predictions. If you want to use K.P. Ayanamsha, please go to Free-Astrology->KP Horoscope to check your horoscope based on KP (Krishnamurthi paddhati) system.

You will get Panchang details, Avakahada table, Ghata chakra, detailes of favorable things based on your birth chart, Planetary and house positions, birth charts from Lagna to Shastyamsha chart, total sixteen divisional charts, Shodasha varga table, Vimshottari dasha, bhukti starting dates from birth, planetary aspects and house strength details. In predictions section you will get analysis of lagna, planetary and sign positions, various yogas and vimshottari dasha predictions.