Rashi, Nakshatra calculator by birthdate

Free Moon sign and Birthstar Calculator with date and time of birth

Know your Vedic Astrological Birth sign and Birth Star

Know your Rashi and Nakshatra names in English, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, Odia, and Punjabi Languages. Fill out the form below with your name, date, time, and place of birth details to know your Moon sign and birth star.

Just enter complete city name in English and select from list. If you not find desired city name give nearby city name

In Vedic Astrology, Rashi (Moon sign) and Nakshatra (birth star) hold significant importance. Many people find it necessary to understand their Rashi and Nakshatra for various reasons, such as to ascertain daily, monthly, or yearly transit forecasts, to perform spiritual rituals, for naming conventions, or for Astakuta marriage matchmaking.
Our online software here can assist you in determining your Rashi and Nakshatra. This tool calculates your Rashi (Moon sign) and Nakshatra (birth star or Moon constellation) based on your date, time, and place of birth. Furthermore, it informs you about the specific Nakshatra Pada (quarter) you were born under. By gaining this knowledge, you can better navigate life's events and make informed decisions.

If you want to know about your Vedic birth chart and predictions, use our Free Janmakundali service. This service is available in English, Hindi, and Telugu Languages.

Click here to check your Vedic Horoscope or Janmakundali in English.
Click here to check your Janamkundli in Hindi.
Click here to check your Jatakam or Jataka Chakram in Telugu.All these online Astrology services are free and you can check your horoscope with predictions instantly.

We offer a unique, free online service specifically for those who wish to learn about their newborn's astrological details. With this service, you will receive a comprehensive astrological report for your newborn. This report includes the newborn's Rashi (Moon sign), Nakshatra (birth star), Janmakshar (natal chart), details of any Tithi dosha (birth time defect), recommendations for suitable naming letters based on astrological alignments, and a basic birth chart. This service is designed to provide valuable astrological insights that can guide you in nurturing and celebrating your child's life from the very beginning. Please click here to check your newborn Kundali in English. This free online service is also available in Hindi and Telugu Languages.

KP Horoscope

Free KP Janmakundali (Krishnamurthy paddhatiHoroscope) with predictions in English.

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Monthly Horoscope

Check April Month Horoscope (Rashiphal) for your Rashi. Based on your Moon sign.

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KP Horoscope

Free KP Janmakundali (Krishnamurthy paddhatiHoroscope) with predictions in English.

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Telugu Jatakam

Detailed Horoscope (Telugu Jatakam) in Telugu with predictions and remedies.

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