
Popular Welsh Origin Baby Names

Popular Welsh names for girls and boys

Showing 361 - 380 of 935 results. Page: 19 of 47
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
361 Erwin Welsh White river. M
362 Erwyn Welsh White river. M

363 Eryi Welsh From Snowdon. M
364 EsyIlt Welsh Welsh form of Isolda. F
365 Eudav Welsh Legendary son of Caradawg. M
366 Eurneid Welsh Legendary daughter of CIydno. F
367 EurolwVn Welsh Legendary daughter of Gwydo!wyn. F
368 Eus Welsh Legendary son of Erim. M
369 Ev Welsh Diminutive of Evan: God is good. M
370 Evan Welsh Young. The Welsh form of the Hebrew John, meaning God has been gracious, or God has shown favor. M
371 Evann Welsh Variant of Evan: God is good. M
372 Evans Welsh Variant of Evan: God is good. M
373 Evin Welsh Variant of Evan: God is good. M

374 Evon Welsh Variant of a Gaelic name anglicized as John. M
375 Evrawg Welsh From York. M
376 Evyn Welsh Variant of a Gaelic name anglicized as John. M
377 Ewan Welsh Variant of Evan: God is good. M
378 Eyslk Welsh Fair. F
379 Fane Welsh Good-natured. M
380 Fercos Welsh Legendary son of Poch. M

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