
Popular Spanish Origin Baby Names

Popular Spanish names for girls and boys

Showing 1201 - 1215 of 1215 results. Page: 61 of 61
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1201 Yanamaria Spanish Bitter grace. F
1202 Yanamarie Spanish Bitter grace. F

1203 Yesenia Spanish The Gypsy title character of a Spanish soap opera from the 1970s. F
1204 Yoana Spanish God's gift. F
1205 Yolanda Spanish Violet. F
1206 Zacarias Spanish Remembered by God. M
1207 Zamora Spanish From Zamora. F
1208 Zandra Spanish Variant of Alexandra: defender of mankind. F
1209 Zaneta Spanish God's gift. A saint's name. F
1210 Zanetta Spanish God's gift. A saint's name. F
1211 Zanita Spanish God's gift. A saint's name. F
1212 Zenon Spanish Variant of Cenon: Receiver of life from Zeus. M
1213 Zita Spanish Little hope. F

1214 Zurina Spanish White. F
1215 Zurine Spanish White. F

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