
Popular Scottish Origin Baby Names

Popular Scottish names for girls and boys

Showing 881 - 893 of 893 results. Page: 45 of 45
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
881 Tory Scottish Derived from Victoria 'triumphant. F
882 Tory Scottish From the craggy hills. Surname based on Tor; Torrence or Tower. M

883 Tyra Scottish Land. F
884 Tyree Scottish Derivative of the Scandinavian god of battle 'Tyr.' Tuesday was named for Tyr. M
885 Urquhart Scottish From the fount on the knoll. M
886 Vida Scottish Diminutive of Davina: Beloved or friend. Feminine form of David.Feminine form of David: Beloved or friend, adopted from the Hebrew. F
887 Vika Scottish From the creek. F
888 Vina Scottish Diminutive of Davina: Beloved or friend. Feminine form of David.Feminine form of David: Beloved or friend, adopted from the Hebrew. F
889 Wal Scottish Diminutive of Wallace: Welshman; stranger. Famous Bearer: Scottish hero Sir William Wallace (executed in 1305).Welshman; stranger. M
890 Wallace Scottish Welshman; stranger. Famous Bearer: Scottish hero Sir William Wallace (executed in 1305).Welshman; stranger. M
891 Wallis Scottish Feminine form of Wallace: Welshman; stranger. Famous Bearer: Scottish hero Sir William Wallace (executed in 1305).'Welshman; stranger. F
892 Wally Scottish Diminutive of Wallace: Welshman; stranger. Famous Bearer: Scottish hero Sir William Wallace (executed in 1305).Welshman; stranger. M
893 Wynda Scottish From the narrow passage. F

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