
Popular Scottish Origin Baby Names

Popular Scottish names for girls and boys

Showing 621 - 640 of 893 results. Page: 32 of 45
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
621 Mac Scottish Son of. M
622 MacAdhamh Scottish Son of Adam. M

623 MacAlister Scottish Son of Alasdair. M
624 MacAlpin Scottish Son of Alpine. M
625 MacAlpine Scottish Son of Alpine. M
626 MacAndrew Scottish Son of Andrew. M
627 MacArthur Scottish Son of Arthur. M
628 MacAulay Scottish Son of Olaf. M
629 MacAuslan Scottish Son of Absalon. M
630 MacBain Scottish Son of Beathan. M
631 MacBean Scottish Son of Beathan. M
632 MacBeth Scottish Son of Beth. M
633 MacCallum Scottish Son of Callum. M

634 MacClennan Scottish Son of Finnian's servant. M
635 MacColl Scottish Son of Coll. M
636 MacDaibhidh Scottish David's son. M
637 MacDhuBh Scottish Son of the blackman. M
638 MacDomhnall Scottish Son of the world's ruler. M
639 MacDonald Scottish Son of the world's ruler. M
640 MacDonell Scottish Son of the world's ruler. M

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