
Popular Scandinavian Origin Baby Names

Popular Scandinavian names for girls and boys

Showing 1 - 20 of 394 results. Page: 1 of 20
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1 Aaren Scandinavian Lofty or inspired. M
2 Age Scandinavian Variant of Ake: Ancestor. M

3 Ake Scandinavian Ancestor. M
4 Aksel Scandinavian Variant of Axel: Father of peace. M
5 Alaric Scandinavian Variant of Alarik: Leader of all. M
6 Alarik Scandinavian Leader of all. M
7 Algot Scandinavian Surname. M
8 Alvis Scandinavian Origin uncertain, but may be from Scandanavian meaning all-wise. Alvis occurs in Norse mythology, and as the name of the 20th century Alvis motor car. M
9 Ame Scandinavian The eagle rules. M
10 Ami Scandinavian The eagle rules. M
11 Anders Scandinavian Manly; brave. Variant of English Andrew. M
12 Anderson Scandinavian Manly; brave. Variant of English Andrew. M
13 Andor Scandinavian Thor's eagle. M

14 Anitra Scandinavian Variant of Anne. F
15 Anker Scandinavian He who harvests; harvester. M
16 Annar Scandinavian Born second. M
17 Anneke Scandinavian Variant of Hebrew Hannah, meaning favor, grace. F
18 Apsel Scandinavian Father of peace. M
19 Are Scandinavian Eagle. M
20 Arles Scandinavian Pledge. M

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