
Popular Norse Origin Baby Names

Popular Norse names for girls and boys

Showing 381 - 400 of 906 results. Page: 20 of 46
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
381 Hafnar Norse Father of Thorgeir Cheek Wound. M
382 Hagen Norse Killed Siegfried. M

383 Hakan Norse Noble. F
384 Haki Norse Name of a slave. M
385 Hakon Norse Of the chosen. M
386 Hal Norse War chief. M
387 Haldana Norse Half Dane. F
388 Halden Norse Half Dane. M
389 Haldis Norse Firm helper. F
390 Haldora Norse Half spirited. F
391 Halfrid Norse Half beautiful. F
392 Halfrida Norse Half beautiful. F
393 Halklel Norse Brother of Ketilbjorn. M

394 Hall Norse Son of Helgi the Godless. M
395 Halla Norse Half protected. F
396 Hallbjorn Norse Rock bear. M
397 Halldis Norse Firm helper. F
398 Halldor Norse Son of Gunnbjorn. M
399 Halldora Norse Half spirited. F
400 Hallfred Norse Son of Ottar. M

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