
Popular NativeAmerican Origin Baby Names

Popular NativeAmerican names for girls and boys

Showing 21 - 40 of 567 results. Page: 2 of 29
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
21 Aiyana NativeAmerican Eternal blossom. F
22 Akando NativeAmerican Ambush. M

23 Akecheta NativeAmerican Fighter (Sioux). M
24 Akule NativeAmerican Looks up. M
25 Alahmoot NativeAmerican Nez perce word for an elm branch. M
26 Alameda NativeAmerican Grove of cottonwood. F
27 Alaqua NativeAmerican Sweet gum tree. F
28 Alawa NativeAmerican Pea (Algonquin). F
29 Aleekcheaahoosh NativeAmerican Crow name meaning accomplished. M
30 Algoma NativeAmerican Valley of flowers. F
31 Alikkees NativeAmerican Nez Perce name meaning haircut. F
32 Alikkees NativeAmerican Nez Perce name meaning haircut. M
33 Allahkoliken NativeAmerican Nez Perce name meaning antlers. M

34 Alo NativeAmerican Spiritual guide (Hopi). M
35 Alsoomse NativeAmerican Independent (Algonquin). F
36 Amadahy NativeAmerican Forest water (Cherokee). F
37 Amitola NativeAmerican Rainbow. F
38 Anakausuen NativeAmerican Worker (Algonquin). M
39 AneMy NativeAmerican Superior. F
40 Angeni NativeAmerican Spirit. F

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