
Popular Latin Origin Baby Names

Popular Latin names for girls and boys

Showing 341 - 360 of 3159 results. Page: 18 of 158
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
341 Apryl Latin Open. The month April; symbolizes spring. F
342 Apryll Latin Open. The month April; symbolizes spring. F

343 Apulia Latin From the river Apulia. F
344 Aqui!ina Latin Eaglelike. F
345 Aquila Latin Eagle' Used by Romans, early Christians, and mentioned in the New Testament, and in use in English-speaking countries since the 17th century. M
346 Aquiline Latin Eaglelike. F
347 Aquilino Latin Eagle. M
348 Aquitania Latin From Aquitaine. F
349 Arabella Latin Derived from 'orabilis' meaning yielding to prayer. Famous bearer: Lady Arabella Stuart was cousin of King James VI of Scotland. Also a variant of Amabel meaning beautiful, loving, lovable, graceful. F
350 Arabelle Latin Derived from 'orabilis' meaning yielding to prayer. Famous bearer: Lady Arabella Stuart was cousin of King James VI of Scotland. Also a variant of Amabel meaning beautiful, loving, lovable, graceful. F
351 Arabia Latin From Arabia. F
352 Araceli Latin Treasure. F
353 Aracelia Latin Treasure. F

354 Arachne Latin Turned into a spider by Minerva. F
355 Arar Latin From the Arar. M
356 Araris Latin From the Arar. M
357 Aratus Latin Name of a Greek author. M
358 Arber Latin Sells herbs. M
359 Arbor Latin Sells herbs. M
360 Arcadia Latin Adventuresome. F

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