
Popular Irish Origin Baby Names

Popular Irish names for girls and boys

Showing 1381 - 1400 of 1786 results. Page: 70 of 90
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1381 Meadhra Irish Happy. M
1382 Meara Irish Happy. M

1383 Mearr Irish Bitter. F
1384 Meave Irish Joy. The name of an early queen of Connaught. F
1385 Meeda Irish Thirsty. F
1386 Megdn Irish Pearl. F
1387 Meghan Irish Pearl. F
1388 Melrone Irish Serves Saint Ruadhan. M
1389 Melva Irish Ruler. F
1390 Melvin Irish Chief. M
1391 Melvyn Irish Chief. M
1392 Merna Irish Beloved. F
1393 Micheal Irish Form of Michael 'Who is like God?'. M

1394 Mick Irish Diminutive form of Michael 'Who is like God?'. M
1395 Mickey Irish Diminutive form of Michael 'Who is like God?'. M
1396 Mide Irish Thirsty. F
1397 Miles Irish Servant. M
1398 Min Irish Smooth; fine; small. F
1399 Mitch Irish Form of Michael 'Who is like God?'. M
1400 Mitchel Irish Form of Michael 'Who is like God?'. M

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