
Popular Hebrew Origin Baby Names

Popular Hebrew names for girls and boys

Showing 1741 - 1760 of 2139 results. Page: 88 of 107
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1741 Pepita Hebrew Feminine form of Joseph: May Jehovah add and give increase. F
1742 Perke Hebrew Devoted to God. F

1743 Perzsi Hebrew Devoted to God. F
1744 Perzsike Hebrew Devoted to God. F
1745 Pesach Hebrew Spread. M
1746 Pessach Hebrew Spread. M
1747 Phineas Hebrew Oracle. One of the two sons of the priest Eli in the Old Testament. M
1748 Phinehas Hebrew Variant of Phineas: Oracle. One of the two sons of the priest Eli in the Old Testament. M
1749 Pinochos Hebrew Dark skinned. M
1750 Poll Hebrew Diminutive of Mary: Wished-for child; rebellion; bitter. F
1751 Polly Hebrew Diminutive of Mary: Wished-for child; rebellion; bitter. F
1752 Qeturah Hebrew Incense. F
1753 R'phael Hebrew God's healer. M

1754 Raanan Hebrew Fresh. M
1755 Raananah Hebrew Unspoiled. F
1756 Rabah Hebrew Fourth born. F
1757 Rachael Hebrew Variant of Rachel: Ewe. Rachel was the second and favoured wife of Jacob in the Old Testament. F
1758 Rachel Hebrew Ewe. Rachel was the second and favoured wife of Jacob in the Old Testament. F
1759 Rachele Hebrew Ewe. F
1760 Rae Hebrew Diminutive of Rachel: Ewe. Rachel was the second and favoured wife of Jacob in the Old Testament. F

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