German Baby Names |

Popular German names for girls and boys

Showing 981 - 1000 of 1583 results. Page: 50 of 80
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
981 Laurenz German From the place of the laurel trees. M
982 Len German Diminutive of Leonard: Hardy lion or lion-bold. St Leonard is the patron saint of prisoners. Famous Bearers: American composer/conductor Leonard Bernstein; Italian Renaissance artist/scientist Leonardo da Vinci (in Italian form). M

983 Lenard German Lion-bold. M
984 Lennard German Lion-bold. M
985 Lenny German Diminutive of Leonard: Hardy lion or lion-bold. St Leonard is the patron saint of prisoners. Famous Bearers: American composer/conductor Leonard Bernstein; Italian Renaissance artist/scientist Leonardo da Vinci (in Italian form). M
986 Leoda German Of the people. F
987 Leon German Lion. The lion is a figure in art and religious symbolism of many cultures; symbolizing kingliness and grandeur and courage. M
988 Leonard German Hardy lion or lion-bold. St Leonard is the patron saint of prisoners. Famous Bearers: American composer/conductor Leonard Bernstein; Italian Renaissance artist/scientist Leonardo da Vinci (in Italian form). M
989 Leonie German Diminutive of Leonard: Hardy lion or lion-bold. St Leonard is the patron saint of prisoners. Famous Bearers: American composer/conductor Leonard Bernstein; Italian Renaissance artist/scientist Leonardo da Vinci (in Italian form). M
990 Leonore German 'Shining light.' Variant of Eleanor. F
991 Leopold German Bold people. Prince of the people. M
992 Leopolda German Of the people. F
993 Leopoldina German Of the people. F

994 Leopoldine German Of the people. F
995 Leopoldo German Prince of the people. M
996 Leota German Of the people. F
997 Lewy German Famous fighter. M
998 Liam German Variant of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: poet and playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616) and William Wordsworth (1770-1850). M
999 Liesei German Variant of Liesi: German diminutive of the name Elizabeth. F
1000 Liesi German German diminutive of the name Elizabeth. F

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